Thursday 12 May 2016

Power point

For my PowerPoint I wanted to showcase my ideas and what influenced me. For the majority of my images I included vibrant colours to make my images appealing. I suspect this will appear more when I’m taking images on nature however I will pick out elements that stand out, when I’m photographing the city landscape.  On the final slide I have included my best images which I may use for my final selection which include both nature and industrial. My ideas range from creating images of landscape settings that are rustic and engrossed in green and do the opposite with the city setting and in this setting I will include more people.  The reason I picked the images shown on the influence slide was because of colour and formats used and how the objects were framed, this is something I want to achieve with my images. These images from other photographers mainly use the colour orange as the images were taken at either dawn or sunset and as I will be photographing during the day I will use blue instead as I will frame the environment to include the sky. My photos on the last slide hopefully showcase this. 

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