Tuesday 24 May 2016


These are all the images taken with my film camera at the location of Bradford and Leeds with a mixture of buildings and nature as the main subjects. When I saw my the images I saw the colour most used was blue and this colour is mainly seen in the pictures of the cities. I varied the settings when photographing to achieve the best images. I was very lucky as the most days I was photographing the weather was lovely and this determined how I exposed the images. I mainly stuck with the format of landscape to frame the objects in the best way this I find is the case with most buildings. All these photos are from colour film as I thought this was best to capture the locations and all the colours that are in the environment.  I decided using landscape along side colour film was the only way I could achieve the best images of the location in my images. Even though I prefer to work with digital cameras  I like the interesting result I can create with film.

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