Friday 20 November 2015

Leeds photo shoot

 Below are my edits I've created using photos from my Leeds photo shoot. I used photo shop to its full capability to achieve these photos, all these photos were shot on location in Leeds. I took the opportunity to go out on my own and photography my surroundings and people I saw, this allowed me to build up my confidence to where I asked people if I could take their photo. When photographing I made sure to everything was where I wanted it and made the subject be the focus of the image. I experimented with the formats I photographed in to achieve the best outcomes. When on location I had the albums I chose on my phone so that look at them and choose things that I think represent what decade the albums are from. This photo shoot was very fun and it was interesting to look at Leeds as a canvas where through my photos I could tell the story I wanted to. Music has influenced my entire life, I grew up listing to amazing artists such as the Beatles and The who, my love for music influenced my work which is why in Leeds is where I found most of the images I'm using for my final as many people have played here and there's no shortage of music in Leeds. I had a modal with me for the entire day , which is why he is in more then one image, when I was photographing I asked people if I could take their picture which is something I have not done before so this photo shoot has built my confidence which has improved myself as a photographer.  When interesting things caught my attention I would photograph them but I made sure to take photos of things that would be able to be made into a cover, which was very important for me. Photographing objects with vibrant colours helped make the images attractive, creative and able to represent the decades the albums are from.

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