Friday 11 December 2015

First photo shoot for glass task

All the images below were taken digital and have been edited. When I was editing I enhanced the colours on each image to improve the quality and attract attention. The majority of my images include the colour blue as the glass has reflected the sky.  Below is an image where I've applied a filter to create the outcome to show me which photo is better and if the filter works. The image without a prominent glass/reflective surface however it does as there is many windows in the photo, the buildings are also a tiny bit parallel.  When I was on location I found visually creative locations that have an aspect of glass so that I can create effective images that are for the project. Finding these locations in Bradford was hard before however after photographing Bradford for nearly two years I know the best locations where to take photographs. Every photo below was shot on a manual setting and I adjusted anything I want to achieve the best photo. 

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