Copyright and the law
Under the law the photographer owns the image however if the photographer is either, working with a company or signs over the copyright to a another party. In most cases photographs are paid for a allocated time a number of prints. The person who owns the copyright has the rights to either refuse or allow people to use their images. The easiest way to protect your work is by marking your work this also show people who they need to contact to gain permission. Registering your copyright for your images makes everything official and if someone steals your work and makes a profit you can claim copyright in court.
My future plans
I believe I could go into nearly any field of photography however I prefer portrait work as I like working with people. Because of this I would want to follow two paths with my photography, either studio work or online publications. However from a young age I have wanted to be a director of photographer. These type of work is high in amount and something I would enjoy. Below are screen shots from my ucas application , I went to interviews for Leeds, Manchester and Huddersfield. Luckily I was accepted into Bradford.
Below are my bussiness card and online portfolio
Cyber crime
There are many forms of cyber crime, most are to do with hacking or tricking people in either to giving money or putting children in danger. This can make the internet seem dangerous however it can be navigated. My idea is to include an object in my photos which connects to the internet and I will include a image that people associate with danger.