Thursday, 22 October 2015

Cyber crime

Cyber crime posters usual include devices that people use to access the internet. This allows the viewer to make a connection with the poster , as the posters are applealing to use these devices. Most include graphic images as this makes the poster stand out and make a lasting impression. Most of the text used is bold and easy to read and see , making sure the information gets across quick and easy. 

I'm going to pick Wi-Fi protection to do my poster on. 
I'm hoping to make a successful poster and I will achieve this by including graphic images that makes people notice my poster. The second poster above that has a purple background is the most unsuccessful one in my opinion as it looks like a poster for a video game for five years old witch is not the message I want to create. Even though I want the information to get across quick I want to also include a good amount of information so that people know what they need to know. In my work I may include people and that would create another link for the audiences ,which may also increase the success of my poster

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Project evaluation

Overall thoughts 
 When I was told that this project was to do with food I was very happy as I love food. This project allowed me to take photographs of food then consume the food. I picked food items such as sweets and take out because I like these food items. All the photo shoots I did where taken at my house and this gave me all the time I needed to take the image I thought was the best. For my photographs I used a manual setting for my camera and lens as I wanted complete control over my images. I experimented most with sweets as I had more options on what to photograph plus I also what include colourful wrappers in my images. For my posters I differed from my original ideas but I believe this helped me achieve successful posters. When we first started the project I thought it was about still life, as we were asked to take photographs of an apple which I associate with still life. The main lighting I used window light and lamps as I think these both can highlight food very well. All the items were easy to obtain and accessible to me at my house. I enjoyed this project as I was able to experiment with my camera, lighting I used and props in my photos and where I placed them. My favourite photo shoot was the chocolates shoot as I got to use the wrappers to frame the sweets and add an interesting aspect to the image.     


These posters were created to advertise food or a place where food is eaten, another aim of these posters it to grab the attention of viewers that come across the poster. I picked images I thought were successful and effective, images which would attract attention and advertise food in the best way making viewers want to buy the food. I prefer the first poster as its more colourful, attractive and effective. For the first poster I included illustrations, this is the owl and cupcake, both are to fit the theme of sweets and I added the owl to add to a creative visual link to the title. I also achieved with the cupcake as I used both colours on the frosting in the title. Bordering the text and entire poster fits in with my original ideas for my posters. I have included more text on the first poster which is why its more successful which I also made colourful to make the poster more attractive. Making the images the same size and placement makes the poster attractive on both posters. 

Friday, 9 October 2015

Final Photo shoot



















My selected images will be in my visual diary where I will write my evaluation and say which images I will use for my poster I create at the end of the project.